musings about politics, sports, music and life


The Bush Push

I spent yesterday morning laying on the couch and boo hooing. As Tony Snow interviewed all these handsome 80 year old veterans proudly wearing their service caps, I got emotional. Bob Dole is hilarious. The Toms (Brokaw and Hanks) were fine. Then President Bush's speech outlined the similarities between Iraq and WWII. When he said "Some of us were proud to call them Dad" he started to choke up and I was at full tilt. What a great ceremony!

Then came the Bush Push! What do you think Clinton said? A dirty joke? Clearly President Bush Sr. has still got it -- He looked like he could have knocked Clinton down if he wanted to. Maybe Clinton called him an old man. They all had smiles on their faces, but the fact that both 41 and 43 turned and left Clinton standing there alone indicated to me that there was some seriousness to it.

Thanks to freeper hole-n-one for the video

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